Early in 1942, under the leadership of Doctor PD Reinersten, membership of the Rotary Club, Kiwanis Club, YMCA, the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, and the Indian Guide Tribes formed a corporation known as Canton Youth Organization.
This organization entered into a lease with the City of Canton whereby 7 acres of land adjacent to Lake Canton could be used for the activities of the young people of Canton and Fulton County.
By 1947, other service organizations and churches joined in sponsoring this organization and the name Youth Acres was chosen for the site.
Material and labor were contributed by various business enterprises in the area. Within a few years, under the chairmanship of Fred Hand, the facilities at Youth Acres was completed, a road was built, a field house erected, and the official opening date was June 10, 1950.
Since that time the area has been used continuously for a youth camp and picnic ground by various youth organizations of Canton and surrounding counties.
Today, Youth Acres takes up two peninsulas of Lake Canton and boasts 60 acres of woods and open fields. There is an abundance of wildlife present, lush hardwood forest located throughout the camp.
For several decades Youth Acres has provided a natural setting for overnight camping, day trips, church services, picnics, fishing, boating, nature walks and much more.
Limited funding from one source is the only consistent funding that Youth Acres receives in addition to income generated from facility use. Over the years, that funding has decreased and does not keep up with the need.
Youth Acres does not have paid staff or maintenance personnel. The camp has been in existence for over 50 years due in large part to the good will and volunteerism of the board members and the people of Fulton County.
We have the responsibility to make sure Youth Acres remains a great asset in the community so that it can exist for another 50 years and beyond.
Youth Acres is a nonprofit organization and any donations received are tax deductible.